As a cat owner, you’ve likely observed your feline friend displaying some puzzling behaviors. From sudden sprints around the house to persistent kneading, cats have unique ways of expressing themselves. Understanding their actions is key to fostering a healthy and happy relationship. At New Market Animal Hospital, our team of veterinary experts is here to offer insights into your cat’s behavior and help you better care for your beloved pet.

Why Cats Knead
One of the most common feline behaviors is kneading, where cats push their paws into soft surfaces like blankets or even their owners. This behavior often dates back to kittenhood, when they knead their mother’s belly to stimulate milk flow. While this may seem quirky, it’s a sign of contentment and comfort. If you notice your cat doing this often, rest assured it’s a good indication they feel safe.

The Meaning Behind Purring
Purring is often considered a sign of happiness, but it can also have other meanings. Cats purr when they’re relaxed, but they might also purr when in pain or feeling anxious. It’s essential to recognize when a purr is coupled with other signs of distress, such as hiding or refusing to eat. At our cat clinic, we often advise that any drastic change in your cat’s behavior warrants a vet visit, as it could indicate underlying health issues.

The Zoomies: A Burst of Energy
Ever seen your cat dash around the house out of nowhere? This burst of energy, often called “the zoomies,” is perfectly normal. Cats, especially younger ones, have high energy levels that need to be released. Providing toys and engaging in regular play sessions can help channel this energy in a healthy way.

Scratching Behavior
Scratching is another behavior that often frustrates cat owners. However, it’s a natural instinct for cats to sharpen their claws, mark their territory, and stretch their muscles. Instead of discouraging scratching, it’s better to redirect the behavior by providing appropriate scratching posts.
Cats have their own language, and understanding it can lead to a happier and healthier pet. If you’re curious about your cat’s behavior or need expert advice, the team at New Market Animal Hospital is here to help. Contact us today to schedule a check-up at our trusted cat vet clinic, and ensure your feline friend is thriving in every way possible.