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Hassel Free Steps: Nail Trims on Dogs

1. Choose the right tool There are a variety of tools to choose from to help cut your dog’s nails. Nail Clippers, A Dremel, Scissors or a Nail Grinder We also recommend having cornstarch or styptic powder close by to stop any bleeding just in case!

2. Prepare your dog– To start, Get in a comfortable position for both you and your dog. You are going to want to support the weight of your dog and have your body for them to lean on for added support. This also works great for elderly dogs or dogs with arthritis/mobility issues. Let your dog sniff the tool you are using or turn the tool on for your pet to get used to the noise and vibrations. 

3. Getting the paw into the right position– Pick up the paw firmly but in a gentle manner. Place your dog’s paw in your palm with your thumb on the top of the paw and your forefingers on the bottom paw pad.

4. Trimming the tip of the nail– Apply pressure to help extend the nail out and clip the nail straight across. Don’t forget the dewclaw which is on the side of the paw! You want to be careful to avoid the pink color within the nail. This part of the nail is called the “quick” and that color you see is blood vessels and nerve endings. IF you accidentally cut the quick apply a small amount of cornstarch or styptic powder directly on the bleeding nail. Cutting the quick does cause bleeding and discomfort to your pet, just imagine those pesty hangnails humans get and the discomfort we feel! With darker nails you will not be able to see the quick. For these nails avoid clipping past the curve of the nail

5. Take your time We recommend taking your time and trying to accomplish trimming one nail at a time. Nail Trims can be very stressful for the pet and the pet owner. Don’t feel defeated! If you are unable to cut all their nails at once, that’s okay! Take a breath, let your pet rest and try again when they have calmed down.