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Hassel Free Steps: Nail Trims on Cats

1. Choose the right tool There are a variety of tools to choose from to help cut your cats nails. Nail Clippers are a great tool to use!

 Just be sure the blade remains sharp. We also recommend having cornstarch or styptic powder close by to stop any bleeding just in case 

2. Prepare your cat– You know your cat bestsometimes cats require a little added restraint when it comes to nail trims while others do just fine sitting in their owner’s lap or on the floorIf your cat requires extra restraint, we recommend wrapping or swaddling your cat in a larger towel or small blanket. An extra set of hands may also be needed to help you hold or clip! 

3. Getting the paw and claw into the right position– Position is key! We recommend that while you have your cat safely secure, use your thumb and your index finger to press on the paw pad just behind the claws. Doing this will expose the nail bed so that you can quickly trim the tip of the nail. You want to be careful to avoid the pink color within the nail. This part of the nail is called the “quick” and that color you see is blood vessels and nerve endings. IF you accidentally cut the quick apply a small amount of cornstarch or styptic powder directly on the bleeding nail. Cutting the quick does cause bleeding and discomfort to your pet, just imagine those pesty hangnails humans get and the discomfort we feel!  

4. Take your time– We recommend taking your time and trying to accomplish trimming one nail at a time. Nail Trims can be very stressful for the pet and the pet ownerDon’t feel defeated! If you are unable to cut all their nails at once, that’s okay! Take a breath, let your pet rest and try again when they have calmed down. Few cats remain patient for nail trims, praise your pet, give treats and use positive reinforcements.